"I'm Going Down This Road Feelin' Bad"
Warde Ford, unaccompanied vocals.
Recorded by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Central Valley, California on December 27, 1938.
Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Warde Ford performing Anglo-American songs on December 25, 26, and 27, 1938 and September 4, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Boomtown , Shasta County, California.
8mm America Episode 6: The Road Trip
8mm America Episode 6: The Road Trip. 1950's road trip through rural Pennsylvania. The featured clip was brought to you in part by www.vintporium.com Music is Public Domain from www.pond5.com. "I'm Going Down This Road Feelin' Bad" "Variants of this song have been sung for seventy years on westering high roads in America.